Playback Theatre in Stroud in 2018

If you would be interested in getting involved with a new Playback Theatre group that i shall be leading in Stroud, there’ll be an opportunity in early 2018.

I was a founder member of Stroud Playback back in 2007 when I first came to Stroud and eventually left after I graduated from the school of Playback Theatre in 2008 and since then have worked freelance training Playback groups and offered workshops around the world and at various Gatherings.

You can read more about Playback Theatre elsewhere on this website and at which is the website of the International Playback Theatre Network.I currently serve on the IPTN Board for membership and edit the IPTN Journal.   You can also read more about Playback Theatre at

If you would like to know more about the Stroud project, then drop me an email or call (see the contact page) and I’ll happily answer any questions that you might have.  It doesn’t matter, if you haven’t had any experience, as full training will be provided.  So bring your curiosity and your stories and come and give it a go!

Looking forward to hearing from you…



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